About Me

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sepang, selangor, Malaysia
ijah sayang mak,abah dgn semue..!! :D

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

a special gift from someone~


what can u describe about this when the first time u seeing this?
hehe...what lovely!! ^-^
ahh..the first time i see it...i thought it was a cat..but i was wrong..it's a red fox! hahaha...
so cute~ ^^
terharu bila dapat ni from someone that i only know via fb and i never meet him IRL~
and he's younger than me..
aku selalu cerita kat dia tentang masalah aku dan dia pun macam tu jugak~
SHARING IS CARING u know~ heheh..
what i really love about this is that it's made by handwriting..hehe... walaupun tulisannya takla cantik sgt~ :p
jk jk~ but i really appreciate it! ^^
I LOVE U fren~ u've tried ur best~ :D


Howl's moving castle...
sape setuju kalau aku kate cerita ni best angkat tangan!!! best kan? hermmm...walaupun cerita ni dah lama..tapi tetiba je nak wat entry pasal cerita ni sebab baru je habis tengok masa bosan2 ni kan.,.padahal dah tengok lebih dari sepuluh kali rasanya...
bestnya tengok cerita ni sebab HOWL tu handsome...walaupun dia cuma kartun je..hehe,,kan bagus kalau aku boleh masuk dalam cerita ni jadi SOPHIE tuh..gembiranya! haha...berangan jek~ :P
tapi seronok la kan kalau bosan2 tengok cerita ni...ahhh..kadang2 rasa cam nak masuk dalam dunia kartun ni...
ni je la entry kali ni..xde ape pun sebenarnya..hehe....
ni la HOWL bila pandang dari dekat..handsome! :D

*nak tidur mimpikan HOWL malam ni~* :D

Monday, March 5, 2012

what a boring day!

this is the most boring day i've ever had in this life..i guess?? haha..alone in a quiet room..maybe with a fan sound??....what will u do if u were me?? nothing right? i guess u'll write as im doing now.. ^^ there's nothing to tell since it is a boring day..

i just want to tell that.....it is so boring..AND I'M BORED right now! that's all.. THANK YOU! ^_^

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Last weekend on 9th december 2011...it was the first time i could get to meet a school fren,a best fren during the school time actually since the last four months we met. it was an exciting day i guess...haha...my roomate as well as my coursemate, ermelia rohayu (or kak long nama glamour)was a driver on that day. she was willing to help us to get to THE MINES and joining us too; of course, the other closed coursemate, Ecah was there too..heheh...they are both my precious frens for this sem! they are very funny and happy-go-lucky..!there will be no stress when i'm with them..they are cool man! ^_^

ok, get back to the real story....hehe...my fren Tang Sook Chin came down to the mines.we picked her up at the KTM station straight to the mall. actually the first plan was to go to MID VALLEY but...EHEM..ok, get back to the story.haha...YeS! we had fun on that day as we could watch a movie "Petaling Street Warrior". It was a quite good movie. hehe...it was funny actually. we spent about 2hours in the cinema. after that we had a lunch at McD. of course,as usual Tang and me would bring the McD into the cinema but Kak long and Ecah only bought the popcorn set into the cinema.they had their lunch after finished watching the movie.

after praying, we had some walks in the mall and bought BIG APPLE and Takoyaki to bring back as "minum petang" at college! hahah...

before going back, we had taken pictures with the xmas trees! haha... *over-excited*

-over-excited- hahah!

i was so happy as i could get to meet my dearest school fren...it has been for more than 6 years since we become good frens. And thank you to ermelia and ecah as well because of joining us to spend the half day there !although we couldn't get to do much activities, still, i was enjoying the day very much after facing the much stressful tests and assignments ! huhu.. thanx all! ^_^